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Be Proactive with a Pre-Approved Home Loan

Buying a home can often be a long drawn out process, where you can sometimes come up empty-handed in the end. A pre-approved home loan can help streamline this lengthy process and protect you from losing out on your dream home. A home loan pr...
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Refinancing for Debt Consolidation. A Quick Guide

Debt consolidation is the process of combining a number of different debts into a single loan, in order to help improve your overall finances and better manage your repayments. It may be a good choice for individuals who are struggling managing repayments for several debts o...
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Getting a Home Loan as a Small Business Owner

Getting a home loan is already difficult enough but getting a home loan as a small business owner is even harder. Lenders like to see regular amounts of money coming in as it makes them feel less at risk. When you run a business for living your income can be anything but ste...
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What is a Construction Home Loan?

A construction home loan is a home loan that is designed for people wanting to build their home instead of purchasing an existing one. As a result, it has a unique payment structure where you only borrow in stages as more progress is made on the construction. This varies fro...
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Secure Your Future with a Pre-Approval

A pre-approval is when a lender approves you for a home loan before you actually decide on a house to buy. It’s essentially a guarantee that you will be approved for a home loan if you decide to apply for it. By being proactive with a pre-approval you reap a host of benefi...
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Can you afford an Investment Property?

An investment property can be a tempting proposition to a budding investor. It’s one of the most stable and straightforward investments you can make and the opportunity for passive income from rent exists. The downside is that not everyone can afford an investment property...
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4 signs it’s time to move neighborhoods

Moving can be a stressful experience, which is why many Australians avoid doing it as much as possible. However, certain factors can arise that make it a good time to move on to another neighbourhood, including rising housing prices, bad neighbours, expanding your family, or...
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The benefits of refinancing your home loan

If you weren’t thinking of refinancing your home loan, you may want to think again. There are many benefits to refinancing that you may want to consider the next time you review your home loan. Refinancing may just be the last key to the puzzle of achieving all your financ...
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