First Home Buyer

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First Home Buyer
Being confused when buying your first-home?

When purchasing your first home, you may not be aware of your state taxation obligations and entitlements. It is important to know what these are to ensure that you budget for any taxation liabilities and don’t get caught out with any unexpected taxes or levies.

For information on Stamp Duty in Victoria and the First Home Owner Grant
(please click below link)

Buying your first home can be both exciting and overwhelming; at Uniik Finance we have the knowledge and experience to advise you on all aspects of buying your first home. Are you ready to buy your first home? What deposit will you require, how much can you borrow?
We will take all the guess work out of it, streamline the whole process and get you into your first home.

We are here to help
We will provide honest advice to get you in to your new home fast, without the hassle
Make an appointment to meet us
Individual assessment of current financial position and borrowing power
Finding the best loan for you
We'll compare all the rates, features, fees from our intensive panel of lenders
Meeting your expectations
With our expertise, support and guidance we will ensure you achieve all your goals
What do I need to know?
  • PAYG applicants to provide two recent payslips or Tax Returns
  • Self-employed applicants need to provide last two years Tax Returns
  • Bank statement to confirm genuine savings evidence
  • Identification documents e.g. Driver Licences


How does it work?
We will take care of you from start to finish
  1. Call us for an appointment to discuss your current financial position and goals
  2. We will find the best lender and product to suit your needs and complete the necessary application forms
  3. If property already purchased, a valuation of the property may be ordered before application is submitted
  4. Your application will be submitted and an approval obtained in a timely manner
    (Full Approval for property already purchased or Pre-Approval for finance to purchase a property)
  5. We’ll stay in touch and keep you updated right through to settlement
Contact us for more info.
All fields are required, we ask the below information so we may contact you and help you in the best possible way for your needs. We respect your privacy, the below information is not kept or shared.
